1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Institute of Physiology

Electrophysiological Laboratory

Electrophysiological Laboratory

Head: Dana Marešová, MD., assoc. Prof., CSc.

Staff: Jana Mottlová

Research topic is aimed at long-term evaluation of the activities of neurons of the cerebral cortex during development. Using electrocorticographical methods (Fig. 1) we register the excitability of cortical neurons in freely moving rats with induced changes in the microenvironment of the brain. We monitor the activity of cortical neurons in young animals after hyperhydration and after changes in the ionic composition. We study the effects of acute or prolonged hypoxia, both in focal or generalized form. Changes in the microenvironment of the brain are induced by administration of substances modulating mechanisms of excitation and inhibition. Currently, we study the influence of cytokines on the induced changes to the microenvironment of the brain.



Fig. 1 Cortical afterdischarges triggered by electrical stimulation of sensorimotor cortex with above-threshold intensity recorded in 25-day-old rat pups

Selected publication:

Marešová D., Kozler P., Pokorný J.: Neuronal excitability after water intoxication in young rats.
Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2014; 35 (4), 274 – 9

PRVOUK P34/1, LF 7


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